CALAREO IRME Information Session #1 – Featuring a Selection of Internships in Colombia

Information Session #1 was held on January 23, 2023.   Below you can find links to the presentations and recordings.


Zoom video recording CLICK LINK

CALAREO Information presentation CLICK HERE


Presentations by host faculty researchers from Colombia:


Dr. Jahir Orozco, Group Leader, Max Planck Tandem Group in Nanobioengineering Universidad de Antioquia

Dr. Renata Moreno, Faculty of Communications and Social Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente

Dr. Oscar Jaime Restrepo, Dept. of Materials and Minerals, School of Mines, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Dr. Edgar Virgilio Rincón, Mechantronics Engineering / Physics, Universidad EIA

Dr. Ronald Forero, Dept. of Linguistics, Literature and Philology, Universidad de La Sabana

Dr. Carlos Adrián Saldarriaga, Department of Economics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia


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